Core API
The Larvitar Core API provides essential tools for handling, loading, rendering, and interacting with DICOM images. This section provides an overview of the Core API functionalities and how they can be used to manage DICOM images effectively.
For more details on each method and additional options, refer to the specific API documentation sections for Parsing, Loading, Rendering, and Interacting with DICOM images.
Core API Functionalities
The Core API is organized into four main categories, each handling a distinct aspect of DICOM image management. Before working with the Core API, we need to Initialize the library. This step configures the internal settings and prepares the library for DICOM parsing, loading, rendering, and interaction.
- Parsing a DICOM: The parsing functionality allows you to read and interpret the metadata and structure of a DICOM file. This step is crucial for extracting information such as patient details, study descriptions, and image properties.
- Loading a DICOM: The loading functionality enables you to load a DICOM file into the viewer, making it available for rendering and interaction. This step is essential for displaying the image data and enabling user interaction.
- Rendering a DICOM: The rendering functionality provides tools for displaying the DICOM image on the viewer canvas. This step involves rendering the image data in a user-friendly format, allowing users to view and analyze the image.
- Interacting with a DICOM: The interaction functionality allows users to interact with the DICOM image, such as zooming, panning, and adjusting the windowing settings. This step enhances the user experience by providing intuitive controls for navigating and exploring the image.